Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The CDC - Centers for Disease Control, published the study made by Keiser Permanent.
The results were not favorable to further research and explanation of the symptomatic by the Morgellons Sufferers.

"Results of the study, published in PloS OneExternal Web Site Icon show this condition appears to be uncommon among a population representative of Northern California residents. Skin damage from the sun was the most common skin abnormality found, and no single underlying medical condition or infectious source was identified. Upon thorough analysis, most sores appeared to result from chronic scratching and picking, without an underlying cause. The materials and fibers obtained from skin-biopsy specimens were mostly cellulose, compatible with cotton fibers."

I can say that somewhat I was free of it after I moved houses, the house I lived where having symptoms as Morgellons was VERY humid.
And also after finding a caring  physician that  did give me a drug called Doxepin. Doxepin is a psychiatric drug,  but he told me, I do believe you, but you want to sleep.
Yes I did. I could not these days sleep at all. I was completely sleep deprived by the constant itching and  biting I felt at night.

So I took Doxepin that left me like a zombie. It was strong, but alas! I could sleep and  function when I was not too sleepy, plus we readjusted the dose and I took half of what initially was prescribed.

What happened next, is that I had a gallbladder stone, and a surgery and after that a very rare cancer, which I am still battling.  

Sometimes I think of it as little alien, and I do wonder if this cancer has anything to do with it.

One thing I am certain, what I felt, the symptoms, were true.

I am not certain if Morgellons is a  specific disease or if it is part of something else. 

Though I  do not have the symptomsany longer, specifically 3 years, and I did have other  diseases  that might not seem related, I do believe what people complaining of Morgellons say.

It is awful, and i feel sorry for whomever has these and unlike the CDC, I believe this is nothing from our heads, it is maybe something new, and I agree, something that evolved from some sort of unbalance we humans produced in our environment, as GMO food, cotton  and yes chem trails.

Chemtrails ARE NOT something invented they are real. In California they use some sort of apparently not toxic chemical to produce rain , dust the clouds for the wild fires.

There is so much more than the CDC and Keiser looked at to be researched. 

We shall go on and keep on pressing.

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