Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Symptoms Vanished

After several doctor's trip where I was thinking I was going nuts. One doctors here in New York with a clinic in Noho, advised me to take a prescription drug called Doxepin. At first I was biased about it but reserching, I found that it is not only used as a tricyclic antidepressants by increasing certain substances in the brain that are needed for mental balance, but also no one knows how, it acts on our skin, and thus cures rashes and other dermo symptoms. It worked for me.
Later on, consulting another physician, it was noted that the levels of vitamin D in my body were very low, and I was prescribed 50.000 UI of vitamin D.
Also a inflammation was occurring, and I am taking Plaquenil.
So far the Doxepin makes me really sleepy but the symptoms vanished as well as any traces of it. Black specks and fibers are gone.
I stayed off the medicine for 2 weeks and the symptoms did not come back, though I went back on it for fear they would.

Is good to note that I am also in a pre-menopausal phase and many woman over 46, can have as a symptom, skin crawling sensation.
I am at this point not sure if this was morgellons or not.
I am just very happy that I do not feel any of these symptoms.

There are much speculation about it, some of these speculations seems out of this world. I do not agree or disagree with any of them. I heard them, tried many things and finally what I described above is what worked for me.

Here is my little story , my Morgellons adventure.

I hope I could be of help to anyone having these awful symptoms, suffering similar conditions conditions.
I wish you feel better.



  1. I'm glad you are now symptom-free, Jee, and I hope you remain that way. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. It is 2016. I had cancer in 2011, one year after the symptoms.
    I learned as well, that all that itching could be my body telling me something was not right.
    Nowadays I am cancer free and itch free. I hope it helps other people as well.
