Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Doctors, doctors...

After going to several doctors and dropping several doctors, who did not really look at you but give you 5 min of their time, and at the mention of crawling on skin, or fibers, look at you funny, and start to say, in many ways that I was with DOP- Delusion of Parasitosis, I finally confronted one of them saying, doctor, you did not even examine my skin, you did not explain why suddenly I started to get all this "aging" spots, or "freckles". and these red dots that never heal, hurt and itch.
You did not explain to me why I shock in everything. I need someone to look into my skin deeply.
He sent me to a dermatologist that luckily was a great professional. She took skin biopsies, who at first came back inconclusive. at second, she said, you do have something there but we do not know and I cannot treat you for what I do not know. She won me over right when she said this.
She told me to go through the normal prescription and I did.
Did not work completely but she also did a complete blood work, and told me to return to a doctor or look for one who really would investigate. - You look for one that really tries, she said.
Then I asked her for a referral, and she gave me one.
Even if the new internal medicine doctor, she referred me to, did not believe in Morgellons, I was lucky that he believes in Lyme and tested me for it.
He recommended Doxepin. At first I felt a bit betrayed, as doxepin is a anti- depressive, I though did my research and spoke with him about it. Doxepin is also effective for people with rashes and allergies, not very known why has this effect but it does.
Since I was unable ti sleep well for so long, I took it and the effects were immediate.
No more crawling. The specks in the bed vanished, the specks when i took a shower, almost vanished.
Only from time to time, i feel something in my ears but it is bearable, my life is almost normal. I say almost because not only I feel once in a while things on my ear, but I also feel a bit lethargic and sleepy. Not at all that bad though.
I am so thankful for it. I sure have no idea what my state of mind would be if I did not take it for the last 4 months.
Next, I have an appointment with a reumathologist, and as it was referred by the primary, maybe one that have answers for Lyme Disease.
Hopefully , I will get a proper treatment for it.
Whatever IT is...


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