Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The CDC - Centers for Disease Control, published the study made by Keiser Permanent.
The results were not favorable to further research and explanation of the symptomatic by the Morgellons Sufferers.

"Results of the study, published in PloS OneExternal Web Site Icon show this condition appears to be uncommon among a population representative of Northern California residents. Skin damage from the sun was the most common skin abnormality found, and no single underlying medical condition or infectious source was identified. Upon thorough analysis, most sores appeared to result from chronic scratching and picking, without an underlying cause. The materials and fibers obtained from skin-biopsy specimens were mostly cellulose, compatible with cotton fibers."

I can say that somewhat I was free of it after I moved houses, the house I lived where having symptoms as Morgellons was VERY humid.
And also after finding a caring  physician that  did give me a drug called Doxepin. Doxepin is a psychiatric drug,  but he told me, I do believe you, but you want to sleep.
Yes I did. I could not these days sleep at all. I was completely sleep deprived by the constant itching and  biting I felt at night.

So I took Doxepin that left me like a zombie. It was strong, but alas! I could sleep and  function when I was not too sleepy, plus we readjusted the dose and I took half of what initially was prescribed.

What happened next, is that I had a gallbladder stone, and a surgery and after that a very rare cancer, which I am still battling.  

Sometimes I think of it as little alien, and I do wonder if this cancer has anything to do with it.

One thing I am certain, what I felt, the symptoms, were true.

I am not certain if Morgellons is a  specific disease or if it is part of something else. 

Though I  do not have the symptomsany longer, specifically 3 years, and I did have other  diseases  that might not seem related, I do believe what people complaining of Morgellons say.

It is awful, and i feel sorry for whomever has these and unlike the CDC, I believe this is nothing from our heads, it is maybe something new, and I agree, something that evolved from some sort of unbalance we humans produced in our environment, as GMO food, cotton  and yes chem trails.

Chemtrails ARE NOT something invented they are real. In California they use some sort of apparently not toxic chemical to produce rain , dust the clouds for the wild fires.

There is so much more than the CDC and Keiser looked at to be researched. 

We shall go on and keep on pressing.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Symptoms Vanished

After several doctor's trip where I was thinking I was going nuts. One doctors here in New York with a clinic in Noho, advised me to take a prescription drug called Doxepin. At first I was biased about it but reserching, I found that it is not only used as a tricyclic antidepressants by increasing certain substances in the brain that are needed for mental balance, but also no one knows how, it acts on our skin, and thus cures rashes and other dermo symptoms. It worked for me.
Later on, consulting another physician, it was noted that the levels of vitamin D in my body were very low, and I was prescribed 50.000 UI of vitamin D.
Also a inflammation was occurring, and I am taking Plaquenil.
So far the Doxepin makes me really sleepy but the symptoms vanished as well as any traces of it. Black specks and fibers are gone.
I stayed off the medicine for 2 weeks and the symptoms did not come back, though I went back on it for fear they would.

Is good to note that I am also in a pre-menopausal phase and many woman over 46, can have as a symptom, skin crawling sensation.
I am at this point not sure if this was morgellons or not.
I am just very happy that I do not feel any of these symptoms.

There are much speculation about it, some of these speculations seems out of this world. I do not agree or disagree with any of them. I heard them, tried many things and finally what I described above is what worked for me.

Here is my little story , my Morgellons adventure.

I hope I could be of help to anyone having these awful symptoms, suffering similar conditions conditions.
I wish you feel better.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Doctors, doctors...

After going to several doctors and dropping several doctors, who did not really look at you but give you 5 min of their time, and at the mention of crawling on skin, or fibers, look at you funny, and start to say, in many ways that I was with DOP- Delusion of Parasitosis, I finally confronted one of them saying, doctor, you did not even examine my skin, you did not explain why suddenly I started to get all this "aging" spots, or "freckles". and these red dots that never heal, hurt and itch.
You did not explain to me why I shock in everything. I need someone to look into my skin deeply.
He sent me to a dermatologist that luckily was a great professional. She took skin biopsies, who at first came back inconclusive. at second, she said, you do have something there but we do not know and I cannot treat you for what I do not know. She won me over right when she said this.
She told me to go through the normal prescription and I did.
Did not work completely but she also did a complete blood work, and told me to return to a doctor or look for one who really would investigate. - You look for one that really tries, she said.
Then I asked her for a referral, and she gave me one.
Even if the new internal medicine doctor, she referred me to, did not believe in Morgellons, I was lucky that he believes in Lyme and tested me for it.
He recommended Doxepin. At first I felt a bit betrayed, as doxepin is a anti- depressive, I though did my research and spoke with him about it. Doxepin is also effective for people with rashes and allergies, not very known why has this effect but it does.
Since I was unable ti sleep well for so long, I took it and the effects were immediate.
No more crawling. The specks in the bed vanished, the specks when i took a shower, almost vanished.
Only from time to time, i feel something in my ears but it is bearable, my life is almost normal. I say almost because not only I feel once in a while things on my ear, but I also feel a bit lethargic and sleepy. Not at all that bad though.
I am so thankful for it. I sure have no idea what my state of mind would be if I did not take it for the last 4 months.
Next, I have an appointment with a reumathologist, and as it was referred by the primary, maybe one that have answers for Lyme Disease.
Hopefully , I will get a proper treatment for it.
Whatever IT is...


Saturday, January 30, 2010

better and then... watch your food..

I do not agree with what some people say that Morgellons is a White Caucasian desease as well as I do not agree that is targeted to jewish-palestine people. I think the MAIN thing all and all is that it develops in people with compromised immune system and all that is is that.
Our immune system is all that makes us susceptible.

Now back to our dirty laundry.
Symptoms were much better after two weeks of non GMO, only organic fruits and veggies.
I did have an episode where i got a blouse out of the laundry basket and as I wore it, ouch! immediate Pinpricks! I took it off, showered, changed to another and was fine.

Now, about diet. Had a great week after 1 week eating only organic fruits and veggies, cutting all cheese, flour and sugar, the symptoms got MUCH BETTER, only some nose crawlies but not much. Bath was good too, not much stuff there. Upon applying the fungicide and Enduro soap, no debris.
There was only one night that I had plenty imsonia as I felt something in my ear. Could not sleep and and was late in the morning. I do worry a lot about my job.

Today... I ate two slices of a sweet apple pie and voila! Crawlies... ARGH! Up my nose, my arms, everywhere! Woken up in the middle of the night with it, felt then that something descended my nose passages and stayed in between my mouth and my throat. Nightmare...
Well let's go back on track!

By the way, i do zap from time to time and i do believe it makes better. I don't think Ms. Clark was a charlatan, I think she ws just not understood. Plus, she said acid reflux was a bacteria, even before it was "discovered"that it really was.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Featured Guests:
Rolando Arafiles, MD, Cindy Casey, RN, Randy Wymore, Ph.D.
Joining by Teleconference:
Marc Neuman, Ginger Savely, DNP, Amelia Withington, MD,
Patients: Bonnie Siegel of Florida and Sharlene of MA
The program will air for the first time at 8:00 PM CDT on Thursday, January 28. It will then re-air on Friday at 1:00, 7:00 and 2:00 PM CDT. As for TV channels, it depends on the viewing area and whether your cable or satellite provider carry’s GLC. However, you can always watch the online streaming LIVE at www.godslearningchannel.com.

I am not religious and the site/tv station name sounds VERY religious but i should watch it online because Dr. Wymore will speak and he has researched it extensively.