Saturday, January 30, 2010

better and then... watch your food..

I do not agree with what some people say that Morgellons is a White Caucasian desease as well as I do not agree that is targeted to jewish-palestine people. I think the MAIN thing all and all is that it develops in people with compromised immune system and all that is is that.
Our immune system is all that makes us susceptible.

Now back to our dirty laundry.
Symptoms were much better after two weeks of non GMO, only organic fruits and veggies.
I did have an episode where i got a blouse out of the laundry basket and as I wore it, ouch! immediate Pinpricks! I took it off, showered, changed to another and was fine.

Now, about diet. Had a great week after 1 week eating only organic fruits and veggies, cutting all cheese, flour and sugar, the symptoms got MUCH BETTER, only some nose crawlies but not much. Bath was good too, not much stuff there. Upon applying the fungicide and Enduro soap, no debris.
There was only one night that I had plenty imsonia as I felt something in my ear. Could not sleep and and was late in the morning. I do worry a lot about my job.

Today... I ate two slices of a sweet apple pie and voila! Crawlies... ARGH! Up my nose, my arms, everywhere! Woken up in the middle of the night with it, felt then that something descended my nose passages and stayed in between my mouth and my throat. Nightmare...
Well let's go back on track!

By the way, i do zap from time to time and i do believe it makes better. I don't think Ms. Clark was a charlatan, I think she ws just not understood. Plus, she said acid reflux was a bacteria, even before it was "discovered"that it really was.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Featured Guests:
Rolando Arafiles, MD, Cindy Casey, RN, Randy Wymore, Ph.D.
Joining by Teleconference:
Marc Neuman, Ginger Savely, DNP, Amelia Withington, MD,
Patients: Bonnie Siegel of Florida and Sharlene of MA
The program will air for the first time at 8:00 PM CDT on Thursday, January 28. It will then re-air on Friday at 1:00, 7:00 and 2:00 PM CDT. As for TV channels, it depends on the viewing area and whether your cable or satellite provider carry’s GLC. However, you can always watch the online streaming LIVE at

I am not religious and the site/tv station name sounds VERY religious but i should watch it online because Dr. Wymore will speak and he has researched it extensively.

GMO food x Organic - Plus band-aid and bandages allergy (!?) now....

For 3 days I ate nothing more than fruits and Vegetables, ALL ORGANIC.
I avoided all sugar, all wheat and symptoms went down a bit

I made a soup with organic Squash and delicious Jerusalem Artichokes, also called Sunchokes. I have been seasoning with lots of garlic, onions and cayenne pepper, since they say these are good to stop the biting. actually I had never tried the odd looking Sunchoke and it is quite good, a nutty taste and yet refreshing. You can add it to soups and also eat it raw in a salad.

I also made juices with carrots, beets, coconut water and orange juice and another variety with pineapple, carrots and beet leaves.

I was surprised it went down three notches and thus I see specks or "fabric pills"and a VERY strange occurrence I will mention later, the stinging ceased, and I just feel some prickling in my nose and itching in my eyes.

After 3 days I wanted to test if the food had anything to do with it and as I craved meat and flour I ate a nice lamb pita. Well the prickling sensation on my nose and throat intensified. So somewhat eating lamb and bread is no good. Specially from a restaurant where GMO for sure will be present.

90% of the corn, 85% of soy and 80% of canola oil in the US is genetically modified. Restaurants even if labels organic, must not use these oils, and I am sure the lamb was not organic and was cooked with one of these oils. Eating soy is a no no... Almost ALL SOY is GMO, what healthy habit is in eating it then?! People have been fooled...

What is GM food? GM stands for genetically modified or transgenic. To modify the plants they fuse bacteria and viruses into their gene. Thus we eat it and what we are really eating is pesticide for these bacterias and viruses are engineered against pests, but no one knows if they stay in body's' forever or how long. And if you eat organic but cooked in GMO oil, you still eating GMO.

So, tomorrow I am going back to the vegetable/juice diet because I really need to get it together to get better.

I was reading a study that three patented genetically modified Monsanto crop seeds did not pass toxic levels in study. It caused mice to have failure in three of the body's detoxifying organs, kidneys, liver and heart.

As have no idea what this is, could be, and I think by what I just told you that GMO is involved in it. allergic reaction maybe? growth of these DNA modified entities in my body?

I was also reading some reports they did in 2006. I just do not understand why is taking the CDC so LONG to come with answers, and then I hear ll kinds of conspiracy theories while I just wanted concrete responses. maybe the CDC is delaying it and while now it is investigating, doctors who were investigating had to stop

In 2006 this video was made, and the reporter cites 3.000 cases, well up that up to 60.000 or 40.000 families.

Back to Non GMO food tomorrow.

There were two the same strange occurrences:
One happened with band -aids . I put it on a pimple like sore in my hand and all around it there was this reddishness, a deep rash. REALLY red as if I was allergic to it, well I have never been but maybe now, it was so bad and unexplainable, really awful looking. The other band aid I had placed on my biopsy little site, and the rash from the band aid was so deep it made holes in my arm, plus the band ids after a while looked very frilly as if eaten out.

Worse was what happened with my right breast. The wiring was not comfortable and I patched it from inside out, with a simple bandage like tape, the square type. I wore it before like this, washed and left it in there for it seemed comfortable. I have not worn this bras for quite sometime, but yesterday decided to wear it while I had all others on the wash. At night when I took it the bras out my skin was stuck on it, I pulled the body from the bra and a large patch the same size and contour of the bandage came out, my whole epiderm glued to it even though it touched the outside of it. and apparently there was no glue touching the skin, only the surface of the bandage but it ate my skin anyway. What is this?

Then I researched and found it listed in rense's site. Rense's believes in chemtrails.
Rashes - unusual, appear/disappear rapidly for no apparent reason, also appear where adhesive portion of Band-Aid is applied" - Yes, definitely, but the bandage glue part wasn't in my skin, yet took it off!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Morgelllons Convention

Morgellons convention is set for Abril and will be in Austin texas.
Maybe attending the convention will give me more answers.

third annual Morgellons conference will be held March 27, 2010 in Austin Texas at the same location as the last two conferences.

Laundry & fabric

Laundry has being a big problem.
I do my wash and there are all these "fabric pills"stuck on it.
If I wear them I feel the bites.
I now iron my sheets and find a relief for one day or too then the cotton gets lots of fabric on them. The amount of it is not normal...
I have been washing with borax and Dr. Boomers castillian soap, and a dash of Kleen Green but it has not been enough.
I heard people saying that is best to wear all white because these things prefer to "breed"in dark clothes and white one can also bleach.

I have already thrown all my feather comfort and pillow as well as some rugs because they were completely taken by fabrics and the comforter and pillows really had something on them.
I tried synthetics but still not enough.

Researching more on the issue.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dr. Hildegarde Staninger

Dr. Staninger is a Toxicologist who is looking into treatments and causes of Morgellons.
She believes Morgellons is nanotechnology plus Sencil.
After reading her toxicology report and also googling sencil, I was surprised.

Her protocol is individual, it includes Opaline Oxy caps, with is Oxygen, Far Infrared, sea salt, papaya seeds, Dr. Willards water eating non GMO food, specially anti-oxidants fruits and vegetables, and a soap Pedifix fungal plus Endure 300.
I wish I had the cash to go see her and buy everything I need to get rid f this "thing"
When I tried these soaps together I saw LOTS of debris coming out of my skin.
She says according to the report that the "stuff" is in our intestines and kidneys for the PH in these places are a bit different and because of that there is where the fibers are. ( I believe before coming to the skin)

I am currently trying and mixing some of her protocol as Pedifix and Endure plus Opaline, and also the
Burgstiner Wellness Protocol , which includes amino acids and vitamins to up up the immune system.

Yesterday the "Crawlies" were fine, today I feel a bit more.
I did took a shower with Dr. Booners peppermint soap but somehow did not work.
I feel crawlies all over my back, face, nose and arms. I do not scratch.

And that is how it goes... days on end. No sleep. fatigue, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, but also try concentrate after 3 bad slept days...

I go to a forum, where people try to figure out what is happening. Many ave microscopes and keep on researching and analyzing the things that come out of their skin, trying to find a link, an explanation. There is much speculation but nothing is certain.

I keep wondering how long will take the CDC to give us an answer. The medical community should report and make some sort of pressure, as it is obvious by now that doctors are getting more and more complaints of this "Unexplained Dermopathy".

One thing is clear, that Morgellons went from "Delusional Parasitosis"state of affairs to an "unexplained Dermopathy "state of affairs but more is needed.

I know all these symptoms are hard to believe, but then in medical history there were many unexplained things that later on found an explanation. There was this devastating disease that caused sarcoma carposis, unexplained at first, cases grew so much, left the main stream that AIDS was studied.
Then a few years ago a new discovery shed light on an old disease before only treated by anti-acids and surgery, we came to know that some ulcers are caused by the bacteria, H.Pilllory.
Therefore, to look at the causes of this disease and search for a cure one must have an open mind.
I just hope it happens soon.

Meanwhile I keep on trying these protocols.
It will be a difficult night...

Monday, January 4, 2010

What is it?

What they say this is?!
Chemtrails? Agrobacteria, Trangenic food... Collembola, Agrobacterium,Pseudomonas Putida Lyme Disease... a virus a fungus... so much speculation. All I know is that it crawls and stings and itches. Through my skin, through my eyes, nose nd ears. That I feel extreme fatigue, confusion, sores, "fibers", I cannot sleep and I cannot find a sensible information or even a cure.
I am in the begining of this, it started only 4 months ago, but besides confused, I have been afraid to get worse, to get my body full of sores.

There are so many theories it send me spinning.

There is a research at Oklahoma University, conducted by Dr. Randy Waymore, one of the first to look a little deeper. He says that at first he thought was some sort of internet story, but when he saw people complaining abput the same symptoms, he asked them to send samples, and the samples came from all over the country, and they were basically the same, which for him was a red flag that this is real.

Then there is Dr. Citovski, from SUNY- NY who was looking for a bacteria and found Agrobacterium in 18 of the 20 people said to have Morgellons.

Mr. Common Sense, who has a great Morgellons site and now says he is symptom free had a post about what these scientits found. And you can read it here

Morgellons Protocols

I have spent a LOT of money trying to find a cure I also, like many, looked for doctors, and found little relief.
I joined groups and forums to find people with the same symptoms. Mostly all people agree that GMO is responsible for this, that is Genetic Modified Organisms. Being these a plethora of modified fungus, parasites, insects, modified food or environmental conditions.
Some blame on so called chemtrails (aerial sprays) and that these are the result of nanotechnology, speculation rises if it is all of these altogether.
There are studies pointing to modified bacteria as the Agrobacterium used to manipulate crops as cottons, corn and so on as 18 of 20 patients show "Agrobacterium Tumefensis" in them, others think is a fluke or worm combined with strongolydes, or the insect collembolla that somehow is now infesting human skin. Some patients also carry the Lyme Disease bacteria within themselves. There are even believers in an out of this world organism brought in by a meteorite. And there is the ones saying that many of the above are involved.

Fact is no one really knows what causes this "Unexplained Dermopathy" but that it exists, people describe the same symptoms and some call it Morgellons. There are those who believe they are being attacked by super mites and the bird mite forum has lots of them. Also what is common among the "morgies" is that before the onset of the disease ( crawling, stinging, bitting sensations, black specks, fiber pills and brain fog, they had already some sort of immune deficiency or trauma which many believe is what let them susceptible to the Moegellons vector.

Sufferers like myself are left to deal with this painful and disturbing disease on their own and start many alternative treatments since modern western medicine offers no relief in the research or treatment of this condition.
Sufferers call these treatments, protocols and there are many protocols out there.
Here are some examples:

There is Mel says after 1 year he is symptom free. He followed part Lyme disease protocol, part cleaning the terrain protocol, meaning getting the immune system stronger, detox and antibiotics.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

How did I "get" Morgellons? Bird Mites anyone?

I am not sure. The whole thing is a mystery.

Seems like I had a pre-disposition for it as many other sufferers. By pre-disposition, I mean a not so strong immune system and the fact that I lived in two of the "three" most "plagued" Morgellons states.
This states are Florida, California and Texas.

While living in Florida, my hair started to fall and I felt very tired. At the time I thought was stress for I went through some life challenges. At that time, some mornings when I woke up, my mouth would be very dry, as well as my eyes. I thought it strange and drank lots and lots o water and went to the beach a little more.

Later on when I moved to California, feeling tired all the time, I went to a doctor that said I had a positive ANA, and high inflammation markers meaning that I had some sort of immune deficiency, as Lupus.

Two years later I started to feel joint pain, specially on my knees, hands and elbows, that I also attributed to Lupus. I took lots of NSDA drugs as Ibuprofen, Aleeve, Naproxen. At this time I felt weird symptoms, someday I could not get up the bed in the morning because my whole body felt "trapped", I felt I had no joints as if I were a big block of wood, if I tried to move I felt excruciating pain all over and after some time, my legs and feet were formigating and it hurt to step on the floor. This wasn't constant but everyday I dreaded to wake up like it. Waking up in the morning was my daymare.

I then suffered a car accident and it resulted in excruciating headache and neck pain. The pain was unbearable, one doctor even suggested I had fybromialgia, which I doubted, the reumatologist told me it was the accident. I started acupuncture, chiropractor and yoga and I felt a little better but felt that the alignment of my body was never going to be the same. The back pain is still here up to the day.

I then decided to move to the east coast at the high of winter and then for the first time I did not feel much pain in the morning and I was marveled how actually the cold was helping. Then on summer my legs started to swallow, my shoes did not fit and my ankles were red. When I saw this I cried and called my sister who is a nurse. I took some water pills and it subsidized. I stopped taking NSDA medication because I noticed that they messed up with my stomach , and also that even Aleeve, would let me feeling down a week later without apparent reason.

I moved again within the city. One week before my move, I had a visitor staying and while gathering a bedsheet to my visitor from the closet, he noticed some odd looking "lint" in the crease of the stored bed sheets , it was a ball of lint. I said- " it is lint", he said, "I don't want this one". Fine, I took the lint out and threw the bed sheet to the washing pile.

Two weeks later I moved to a new apartment. First week into the new apartment, I used the then now washed bed sheet.  to find that something was bitting me, all over my body. The bed sheet went back to the washing pile again. Next day sitting in my desk, something bit my toes, I promptly got a  bug spray and sprayed all  around but the bitting never stopped. It got worse.
When I got a bite I would look all over and there was nothing on the surface bitting me or nothing around my environment. I started to think that it must be something really small, that is why I did not see it.  I assumed it was a mite plus the summer sweat and the air condition. Maybe a mite from outside the window got in - I could hear the birds chirping out of my window. That is what it was I assumed.

The feeling of something crawling all over my body at night would leave me awake and hopeless. Something was crawling up my nose, ears and eyes and at times, I felt bites. Looking at it no marks. This continued  for days , no end.  I was feeling sleep deprived and very tired. My level of stress was high.

One morning I felt a big bite on my little toe. I pushed the sheet aside, and the toe was red but there was nothing on it or around it but a pink/ grey blob of fiber, as pink as the bed sheet. I looked around for a mosquito or a bug, and nothing - I was puzzled.

Then another morning I woke up with a pink eye and felt a bump in between my eye lid and eye ball. Damn mite I thought! Then I looked for the mite, everywhere. No sign of it, nothing, zit. Maybe mites are very tiny for the naked eye was the second thought. That is when I noticed some little black specks in my bed sheets in the morning, they looked like grind "black pepper" and I noticed that the quantity of them was increasing and I would find them also in my body. It did not move, just stayed there like some  dust. Sometimes I would find some in my computer screen. I assumed it must jump or get carried by the air or static to be in these places.
Stupid mites! - I thought

I called the exterminator, twice. I showed him the "black specs", he said he has never seen anything.
On the second call, he seemed annoyed and told me that there was nothing there.

Then I started to gather whatever I found in my bed and sent it with the  "grind pepper specks" from the bed and some that I found "bitting" my body to a lab, an entomologist. When the results came back I was panicking, It said, no insects, only "fabric pills", thread like fabric, carbon and skin. and a  link to the Morgellons foundation.

I cried when I read the symptoms, all the listed symptoms were just like the ones I was having. I registered and started a battle to find a doctor that could examine me and find me some relief. That is when I really felt the difficulty of our health care system and the medical community.

There is something there that provokes this, it might be as well our food, the genetically modified we are now consuming or wearing as cotton is genetically modified as well.  It might be the environment, yes, chemtrails do exist, they call it cloud seeding, and it is done for rain. This is not our imagination, might be a imperceptibility, and alergy to food and chemtrails  are real! Look at this link

This all was my body telling me it was not well.

No mites exist.  I am still searching for answers without being called  "crazy".

Friday, January 1, 2010

Morgellons Disease

I have Morgellons and this blog is about it

You may be asking what is Morgellons. The only thing I can sayfor sure is what I feel and what I will describe in this blog. Otherwise, there are many theories about Morgellons but only one definition given by the CDC- Centers for Disease Control in the U.S and the Morgellons Research Foundation.

According to CDC:
CDC continues to receive reports of an unexplained skin condition which some refer to as “Morgellons”. Persons who suffer from this condition report a range of cutaneous or skin symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads, fibers, or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; and/or skin rashes or sores. In addition to skin symptoms, some sufferers also report fatigue, mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and changes in vision.

At this time, scientists and doctors do not know what causes this condition. They do not know if people who report the condition have common risk factors or if there is a common cause for the symptoms. To assist in learning more about this condition, CDC is conducting an epidemiologic investigation. To learn more about the investigation, please refer to the following

According to the Morgellons Research Foundation:

Morgellons disease is a poorly understood condition which a growing number of physicians believe to be a chronic infectious disease. The disease can be both disabling and disfiguring. The symptoms include itching, biting and crawling sensations, “filaments” or fibers which emerge from the skin, skin lesions which range from minor to disfiguring, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, changes in cognition, memory loss, mood disturbance and serious neurological manifestations. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently investigating the disease, it is not yet fully recognized by the medical community. At this time, the cause of Morgellons disease is unknown and there is no known cure. Morgellons Disease is best explained in detail by our Case Definition.

So many people complaining of bird mites, mites, super mites, scabies or just not knowing what causes the stinging, crawling and itching sensations at night. The insomnia or the extreme fatigue. little sores that wont heal or "freckles" as strange age spots appearing at once.

I can tell you that the cause as they say is unexplained, the definition is vague but the symptoms are very real and according to new research there are 1.000 cases a day all over the world.

I wish It wasn't this way.