Friday, January 1, 2010

Morgellons Disease

I have Morgellons and this blog is about it

You may be asking what is Morgellons. The only thing I can sayfor sure is what I feel and what I will describe in this blog. Otherwise, there are many theories about Morgellons but only one definition given by the CDC- Centers for Disease Control in the U.S and the Morgellons Research Foundation.

According to CDC:
CDC continues to receive reports of an unexplained skin condition which some refer to as “Morgellons”. Persons who suffer from this condition report a range of cutaneous or skin symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads, fibers, or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; and/or skin rashes or sores. In addition to skin symptoms, some sufferers also report fatigue, mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and changes in vision.

At this time, scientists and doctors do not know what causes this condition. They do not know if people who report the condition have common risk factors or if there is a common cause for the symptoms. To assist in learning more about this condition, CDC is conducting an epidemiologic investigation. To learn more about the investigation, please refer to the following

According to the Morgellons Research Foundation:

Morgellons disease is a poorly understood condition which a growing number of physicians believe to be a chronic infectious disease. The disease can be both disabling and disfiguring. The symptoms include itching, biting and crawling sensations, “filaments” or fibers which emerge from the skin, skin lesions which range from minor to disfiguring, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, changes in cognition, memory loss, mood disturbance and serious neurological manifestations. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently investigating the disease, it is not yet fully recognized by the medical community. At this time, the cause of Morgellons disease is unknown and there is no known cure. Morgellons Disease is best explained in detail by our Case Definition.

So many people complaining of bird mites, mites, super mites, scabies or just not knowing what causes the stinging, crawling and itching sensations at night. The insomnia or the extreme fatigue. little sores that wont heal or "freckles" as strange age spots appearing at once.

I can tell you that the cause as they say is unexplained, the definition is vague but the symptoms are very real and according to new research there are 1.000 cases a day all over the world.

I wish It wasn't this way.

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