Saturday, January 2, 2010

How did I "get" Morgellons? Bird Mites anyone?

I am not sure. The whole thing is a mystery.

Seems like I had a pre-disposition for it as many other sufferers. By pre-disposition, I mean a not so strong immune system and the fact that I lived in two of the "three" most "plagued" Morgellons states.
This states are Florida, California and Texas.

While living in Florida, my hair started to fall and I felt very tired. At the time I thought was stress for I went through some life challenges. At that time, some mornings when I woke up, my mouth would be very dry, as well as my eyes. I thought it strange and drank lots and lots o water and went to the beach a little more.

Later on when I moved to California, feeling tired all the time, I went to a doctor that said I had a positive ANA, and high inflammation markers meaning that I had some sort of immune deficiency, as Lupus.

Two years later I started to feel joint pain, specially on my knees, hands and elbows, that I also attributed to Lupus. I took lots of NSDA drugs as Ibuprofen, Aleeve, Naproxen. At this time I felt weird symptoms, someday I could not get up the bed in the morning because my whole body felt "trapped", I felt I had no joints as if I were a big block of wood, if I tried to move I felt excruciating pain all over and after some time, my legs and feet were formigating and it hurt to step on the floor. This wasn't constant but everyday I dreaded to wake up like it. Waking up in the morning was my daymare.

I then suffered a car accident and it resulted in excruciating headache and neck pain. The pain was unbearable, one doctor even suggested I had fybromialgia, which I doubted, the reumatologist told me it was the accident. I started acupuncture, chiropractor and yoga and I felt a little better but felt that the alignment of my body was never going to be the same. The back pain is still here up to the day.

I then decided to move to the east coast at the high of winter and then for the first time I did not feel much pain in the morning and I was marveled how actually the cold was helping. Then on summer my legs started to swallow, my shoes did not fit and my ankles were red. When I saw this I cried and called my sister who is a nurse. I took some water pills and it subsidized. I stopped taking NSDA medication because I noticed that they messed up with my stomach , and also that even Aleeve, would let me feeling down a week later without apparent reason.

I moved again within the city. One week before my move, I had a visitor staying and while gathering a bedsheet to my visitor from the closet, he noticed some odd looking "lint" in the crease of the stored bed sheets , it was a ball of lint. I said- " it is lint", he said, "I don't want this one". Fine, I took the lint out and threw the bed sheet to the washing pile.

Two weeks later I moved to a new apartment. First week into the new apartment, I used the then now washed bed sheet.  to find that something was bitting me, all over my body. The bed sheet went back to the washing pile again. Next day sitting in my desk, something bit my toes, I promptly got a  bug spray and sprayed all  around but the bitting never stopped. It got worse.
When I got a bite I would look all over and there was nothing on the surface bitting me or nothing around my environment. I started to think that it must be something really small, that is why I did not see it.  I assumed it was a mite plus the summer sweat and the air condition. Maybe a mite from outside the window got in - I could hear the birds chirping out of my window. That is what it was I assumed.

The feeling of something crawling all over my body at night would leave me awake and hopeless. Something was crawling up my nose, ears and eyes and at times, I felt bites. Looking at it no marks. This continued  for days , no end.  I was feeling sleep deprived and very tired. My level of stress was high.

One morning I felt a big bite on my little toe. I pushed the sheet aside, and the toe was red but there was nothing on it or around it but a pink/ grey blob of fiber, as pink as the bed sheet. I looked around for a mosquito or a bug, and nothing - I was puzzled.

Then another morning I woke up with a pink eye and felt a bump in between my eye lid and eye ball. Damn mite I thought! Then I looked for the mite, everywhere. No sign of it, nothing, zit. Maybe mites are very tiny for the naked eye was the second thought. That is when I noticed some little black specks in my bed sheets in the morning, they looked like grind "black pepper" and I noticed that the quantity of them was increasing and I would find them also in my body. It did not move, just stayed there like some  dust. Sometimes I would find some in my computer screen. I assumed it must jump or get carried by the air or static to be in these places.
Stupid mites! - I thought

I called the exterminator, twice. I showed him the "black specs", he said he has never seen anything.
On the second call, he seemed annoyed and told me that there was nothing there.

Then I started to gather whatever I found in my bed and sent it with the  "grind pepper specks" from the bed and some that I found "bitting" my body to a lab, an entomologist. When the results came back I was panicking, It said, no insects, only "fabric pills", thread like fabric, carbon and skin. and a  link to the Morgellons foundation.

I cried when I read the symptoms, all the listed symptoms were just like the ones I was having. I registered and started a battle to find a doctor that could examine me and find me some relief. That is when I really felt the difficulty of our health care system and the medical community.

There is something there that provokes this, it might be as well our food, the genetically modified we are now consuming or wearing as cotton is genetically modified as well.  It might be the environment, yes, chemtrails do exist, they call it cloud seeding, and it is done for rain. This is not our imagination, might be a imperceptibility, and alergy to food and chemtrails  are real! Look at this link

This all was my body telling me it was not well.

No mites exist.  I am still searching for answers without being called  "crazy".


  1. I have been researching this the past year mostly because I was infested with something that sounds like Morgellons in 2011 and it was progressing like the disease and definitely felt like a science fiction horror. Before 2011 I was not familiar with the disease, and felt it was similar to sightings of Big Foot, or the Loch Ness monster. Originally the problem started with fleas (long story... ) that were connected with the mite infestation. I got rid of the fleas, which was a mini plague, but I managed to clear the house by using a safe method that I read on the internet (THANKS to all those people out there sharing their stories). After a number of months, all the fleas were gone but the mites were still there as I discovered and they were alive and dwelling under my scalp, creating channels, causing itching, dropping out of my hair onto the computer, bedding, clothing. I had several times noticed a sharp stinging pain on my face and arms that felt surreal and very intense almost voodoo like. I had never experienced this before. My arm had a few open sores that appeared during this infestation time. I also had fibers growing on my scalp that were irritating and at first I thought they were particles from the forced air heating but the fibers moved in an unnatural way and seemed to have a life of their own. I could go on and on as things were progressing to the point where I felt very depressed, and nothing was helping. I did turn to my spiritual roots and asked God for help, and I felt I could end my life. One night I had a vision and saw four identical biological leaf like organisms that looked like they were made of metal and welded together. My interpretation was that these things were "manufactured" by some military power and they have gotten out of control. Most likely spread through chemtrails which I see in the area.


  2. CONTINUED by anon.

    After my vision of seeing the four leaves in my mind's eye (third eye vision) I worked hard to find a way to kill this off. I had tried so many things from coconut oil to dry mustard powder in the hair.... it grew tiring and futile and I kept feeling frustrated, angry and depressed. I told myself that I would share with others if my condition improved... so I am writing here to tell you what worked for me.

    I didn't go to any doctors as I knew I wouldn't find the answer there as this is very complicated and nasty. I threw out my carpets, cleaned everything I could with hot water (clothing, bedding) and vacuumed constantly, making sure the vacuum bag was new and filled with some borax powder. I found that there were black flecks on the floors, on the couch, mattress and probably on the area rug in the living room. I left borax powder on top of and under the couch pillows for a few days and cleaned it up. I tried everything to find where they were living as they seemed to be lifeless black flecks of pepper but had some movement. They are an environmental hazard, which is killing off bees, birds, etc etc. and humans.

    The thing that helped me the most and I feel it was the key for me, was adding heat to the area of infestation. I used an iron which was NOT HOT enough to burn me, but hot enough to kill the fibrous organism that was erupting from the skin on my arm. The very next day my arm appeared to be healing and wasn't itching anymore. Heat was the only thing that worked for me. It was a little painful but worth it, as I also used this method on my scalp when I felt activity under the skin and the telltale swelling and channeling. This was done in desperation, but it worked for me. I thank God for helping me. In these times humanity is being tested and we are definitely being attacked. After four months of doing this diligently, I felt the symptoms were gone and I was free of the pestilence. IN MY MIND'S VISION I SAW FOUR OF THESE ORGANISMS, LINED UP. AFTER USING HEAT TO KILL THESE THINGS OFF, I FELT BETTER IN FOUR MONTHS AND KNOW THERE IS A VERY STRONG CONNECTION. I HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE AND PERHAPS SOMEONE WILL INVENT A CHEAP METHOD OF RIDDING THE PLANET OF THESE DEMONIC THINGS. I

    If you have never had this happen to you, you wouldn't understand the complete crazy and lonely horror you suffer. If it could happen to me, it could happen to anyone on this planet. I am sure it's a secret agony for many people who don't know where to turn. I was lucky to have caught it before it went completely through my body. I try to eat well, and avoid chemicals, GMO foods, smoking, drugs etc. AND I AM VIGILANT THAT IT WILL BE STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS BEFORE IT GETS OUT OF CONTROL.


    ANOTHER THING, BUY a number of flea combs and check your hair for black specks and fibers that are growing out of your scalp. If you see them, soak the comb overnight in ammonia and they will be killed off. Keep doing this until you see that the combs don't have any fibers and specks. It's not a science but a process, and I don't have formula, but it works. Please pray (I am not affiliated with religious fanatics, but just a normal person who probably has strayed off the path a few times more than I should have, but know that GOD forgives all sins if you ask)

  3. One week before my move, I had a visitor staying and while gathering a bedsheet to my visitor from the closet, he noticed some odd looking "lint" in the crease of the stored bed sheets , it was a ball of lint. I said- " it is lint", he said, "I don't want this one".

    Your visitor listened to his inner voice, the one that told him that the "lint balls" looked suspicious, and averted future pain, physical and emotional. Good for him! If only we could all be so intuitive...
