I joined groups and forums to find people with the same symptoms. Mostly all people agree that GMO is responsible for this, that is Genetic Modified Organisms. Being these a plethora of modified fungus, parasites, insects, modified food or environmental conditions.
Some blame on so called chemtrails (aerial sprays) and that these are the result of nanotechnology, speculation rises if it is all of these altogether.
There are studies pointing to modified bacteria as the Agrobacterium used to manipulate crops as cottons, corn and so on as 18 of 20 patients show "Agrobacterium Tumefensis" in them, others think is a fluke or worm combined with strongolydes, or the insect collembolla that somehow is now infesting human skin. Some patients also carry the Lyme Disease bacteria within themselves. There are even believers in an out of this world organism brought in by a meteorite. And there is the ones saying that many of the above are involved.
Fact is no one really knows what causes this "Unexplained Dermopathy" but that it exists, people describe the same symptoms and some call it Morgellons. There are those who believe they are being attacked by super mites and the bird mite forum has lots of them. Also what is common among the "morgies" is that before the onset of the disease ( crawling, stinging, bitting sensations, black specks, fiber pills and brain fog, they had already some sort of immune deficiency or trauma which many believe is what let them susceptible to the Moegellons vector.
Sufferers like myself are left to deal with this painful and disturbing disease on their own and start many alternative treatments since modern western medicine offers no relief in the research or treatment of this condition.
Sufferers call these treatments, protocols and there are many protocols out there.
Here are some examples:
There is Mel says after 1 year he is symptom free. He followed part Lyme disease protocol, part cleaning the terrain protocol, meaning getting the immune system stronger, detox and antibiotics.
- Colloidal silver, or Molecular Silver- as MMS or Molecula Silver
Then there is the Poor man's protocol ofMr. Common Sense,from Morgellons a Mundane Approach which is similar to Mel's but without the antibiotic and the silver. Very similar to Dr. Burgstiner protocol but Mr. Common Sense uses supplements he buys at Whole Food Market, specially NAC which he believes is the main cause of his symptoms's remission.
- Mr. Common Sense Protocol:
Coenzyme Q10, L-CARNITINE VEG CAPS 500 mg w/B-6, Spectrum Fish Oil,10% Sulfur Soap, Dr. Bonners Peppermint Soap
Then there is Dr. Hildegard Steninger a toxicologist, who says Morgellons is the product of nanotechnology. She has a clinic in Los Angeles and says, treatment is individual as it differs from individual to individual. She uses Far- Infra red, minerals ( salt) , supplements and soaps
Some people affirm they felt better with her treatment attributing it to Far Infrared.
And, some of the Lyme Disease protocol, which consists in high doses of salt and vitamin C. Some say Lyme Disease and Morgellons have some connection.
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